Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wanna play a game??

I heard about the grocery game a couple months ago and was amazed at how much money people were saving. I waited to sign up for it for awhile because I thought it would be a lot of work and I've never been one to clip coupons. To me, it just seems like too much time to save a couple bucks. Well, I am a changed woman! Since I started the game, I can't stop clipping coupons and it is paying off big time.
Just last night, I went to 3 different stores. First I went to Safeway to pick up a couple things that were on my "list"

I got 14 items

2 packs of gum
4 boxes of popcorn
4 100 calorie snack packs
4 spray air fresheners

Out of pocket total (OOP) was $44.25
I paid $14.38

Saved $29.87 or 68%

My 2nd stop was Frys. That's where most of my stuff comes from now even though I NEVER used to shop there.

I got 65 items so I won't list them all :)

OOP was $227.27
I paid $85.58
Saved $141.71 or 63%

My 3rd stop was Albertsons

I got 8 items

2 boxes of wheat thins
3 jars of jam/jelly
2 frozen PBJ's (can't think of what they are called!)
1 box of tea bags

OOP was $27.42
I paid $8.98

Saved $18.44 or 67%

This was my 4th week shopping from the "list" and my biggest savings so far.

You can get a 4 week trial to the Grocery Game for $1. During those 4 weeks you can get the "lists" for all the stores in your area. After that you just narrow it down the the ones you like best. It's $10 for the first store and then $5 for each store after that and you get billed every 8 weeks. Considering how much I've saved in 4 weeks, it's well worth the $10 or $15 every 8 weeks for 2 stores.

If you'd like more info or to sign up for the trial, leave your email in the comments and I'll send you the info. If you put that I recommended you, I can earn free weeks! Yipee!!

And now for some pictures. Just some quick snapshots to see the beginnings of my stockpile.

I know it's a lot of soda but it was 5 for $12. That's as cheap as it gets so we have to stock up!

This is the bottom half or our pantry. The stock goes back too but you can't see it here.
There are 4 boxes of cereal down there and another 4 on top. Cereal was cheap one week.


Holly said...

Coupon lady!! Nice Blog sis. I too have started using coupons more. I just need to keep it up :)

Terri Young said...

I have a friend who does this and she is always bragging about how much she saves, it's crazy! I'd love some info, I just need to get past the whole lazy thing.

You have my addy. :)

Anonymous said...

I am always using coupons and it does save a lot! I would like some info about this. You know where to send it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! I found you from Terri's blog, but I remember your pictures from Snap Happy!
I've been using coupons for years, and they do save a lot of money. This sounds like it's going to save even more! Would you mind sending me some info?

Becky said...

How exciting to know I have another reader!
I sent that info to you. I hope it helps you out!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! I found your blog via The Daily Click. I would love more info on this, if you dont mind.My email is
Thanks! :)

Becky said...

I'll send it right now aframeintime (sorry, I don't know your name!)