Thursday, January 29, 2009

Camryn the sicko

Flickr (005), originally uploaded by hgsfrmme2u.

My poor baby girl has been sick for almost 3 weeks now. It started out as a runny nose and then she got the cough. She got over the runny nose in about a week but the cough stuck around. Now it's gotten worse so I'll be taking her to the dr tomorrow. I would have taken her in before now but every time I take them in they tell me to wait it out. It's really frustrating when your kid is sick and they don't help you. It's a waste of my co pay and time. I feel so sorry for her. She just wants to run and play with Aiden but because she isn't feeling good, she ends up cuddling with me instead, which I don't mind at all.

I attempted a photoshoot with the kids today that I'll post tomorrow. I just glanced at them quickly on the computer but I think I got a few keepers. I used a lollipop to bribe them. Only Aiden fell for it though. Camryn could care less.


Becky said...

Yeah daycare sucks for getting sick but I heard that kids that go to daycare miss less school than kids that don't. Guess they build up their immune system nicely.
Luckily the snotty hair was just a one day deal :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor baby. My little one started Kindergarten this school year and was constantly sick until Christmas break.
Hope she feels better soon!