Aiden then got up as the bug crawled away. Then he decided he wanted to smush the bug with a rock. He picked one up at the same time I was trying to get an eye level shot of them without laying on the ground. I held the camera down, pressed the shutter button half way and hoped for the best. This is what I got. I think it turned out pretty darn good.

Here are a couple more from today.

If you want to see them bigger, here's the link to my flickr page.
Aiden is naked because he thought it would be fun to run through the sprinklers in his clothes. However, once I took them off so he could go to town, it wasn't fun anymore.
Camryn had her 18 month check up today. She's healthy but she's got allergies this time, not a cold. I don't know what it is with kids and check ups, but mine always hate the scale. Of all the things involved in a check up,the scale makes them cry the most. They could care less about the shots. Sure they cry a little but they are quick to say "bye, see you" to the nurse that jabs them. Camryn even blew her a kiss today. My kids are weird.
In case anyone is wondering she is 28.12 lbs and 33 inches long and her head is 19 1/2 inches. She's in the 95 percentile for weight and head but only in the 75 percentile for height. At Aiden's 18 month he was 28 lbs, 33 1/2 high and 19" head. In case you wanted to compare which I do every check up :)
1 comment:
Wow, Becky, that first one turned out AWESOME!!!! It's perfect!
Glad the check-up went well.
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