Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is it Tuesday yet??

I would just like to say that I have the BEST hubby ever!!
He knows how much I love photography and photoshop but don't have enough time to really do photoshop since the one computer that has it is in the office, with him all night. So, being the best hubby that he is, decides I need my own computer. YEAH!!!
I'm so super excited! Originally it was supposed to ship around the 14th and get here around the 19th. Yesterday he tells me that it's shipped already and it will be here Tuesday. Is it Tuesday yet???
I'm sorry there is no picture with this post but it's on the other computer. I had a picture of my nice, clean, ready for my new computer, desk. Don't worry, I won't be able to use that excuse after Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on how long it takes to get it up and running).
Now, if only I could find a job using my new computer...


Anonymous said...

Whoohoo!! Congrats!

Terri Young said...

Woohoo! That is super exciting. I'm so happy for ya! :)

Unknown said...

Just get enough readers and you can sell ads on your blog. :)

Becky said...

So Chris, how should I go about getting more readers? Any ideas bro?

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! How exciting! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Probably just word of mouth.