Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cheese balls!

IMG_8894_resize, originally uploaded by hgsfrmme2u.

Have you ever seen a package of cheese balls so big!?!? I haven't until we went to Sam's Club.
I LOVE cheese balls and seeing this at a visit to Sam's club, helped me decide to switch over from Costco. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Costco but the 2 closest ones are about 20 mins from here and they just opened up a new Sam's club 5 mins from our house. We went to their opening weekend to compare the 2 stores and came to the conclusion that Sam's carries most, if not all of the brands that we bought at Costco. Membership is $10 cheaper and they take Discover card which we use a lot more than the Am Ex that Costco uses. Yeah for Discover card rewards!
I'll miss being one of the "cool kids" and having a Costco membership but if it saves me money on gas and time, it's worth it.
Now, if they open up a Costco in our neck of the woods, we'll change back :)

I got a couple pieces to my computer on Friday. The cool wireless keyboard and mouse and the battery back up thingy came. 2 days left until the system is complete!

I was going to post about our outing on Friday but am waiting for the new computer to get set up so I can play with the pictures. I've got a few funny things to say about Mr. Aiden.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Holly said...

These cheese balls are good! We had some Friday on our "picnic"! I'll have to have you pick some up some day :)